That's my new girl. |
She can get some air. I think we'll put her up against Air Bud. Man, you can tell I've got a kid. How often do you hear an Air Bud reference? |
We really need to work on the "sit" command. |
Did I mention she's a water dog. Just LOVES water! Chased the hose, learned how to make it squirt water, jumped right into the shower at bathtime, and went into the river and learned to swim in record time! She's going to love the boat! |
She's mighty large. You can't really tell, but damn..she's huge. Hence the name Maggie Moose. |
So here she is. The newest member of the family. She was found tied to a pole, left by her previous owners. We don't know much more about her except she LOVES water and balls. It's a little hard...a new dog. I miss my RuRu a lot, but we will love her so much. I know that.