bryler said...

i like all your pictures i never find places like that when i go out
what gives?

Jenifur said...

Thank you. Sometimes I just get lucky, but after spending too much time aimlessly wandering, i've decided internet searches are so helpful.

bryler said...

i spend so much time wandering and finding nothing but super america gas stations
my favorite is the clock on the wall so bad ass

Jenifur said...

next time I'm going to get up the courage to actually climb through the window of that building. I figured with my car parked right out front, it wasn't the best idea. It's been abandoned for years and is hidden back in a park area. I could see how super america pictures could get old after a while. However, sometimes the people in there are extremely fascinating...or just creepy.

Unknown said...

bad ass! if you need an acomplice or a boost let me know i want in on that
great pictures though
